Inside the mind of a cRaZy beautiful inSaNe life!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Almost there...

This week has been a long and very rough one. First I guess I should start off with saying I feel so bad for those who were in Ike's path. We did get the tail end of the storm. Lots of wind and rain. Power was on and off all day Sunday. Not to much damage though as far as I know. Ohio on the other hand took a good deal of damage. Power has been out for over a million people. This is where my week takes a turn...

My hubby calls me Monday morning, kinda goes like this... Him:" I thought I would call and ask, I know your answer already but I thought I would ask anyways".. Great I'm thinking what now.. He continues with "Our sister cometary was hit hard in Ohio, they want 3 of us to come help them for a few days... Me: "what! A few days!.." Him: "Yes but they will pay us $200 extra per day and we really need the money".. Me: "Silence".. Me: "I guess as long as you are back by Thursday because I have plans already for Friday" Him: "Alright were leaving in the morning, I'll call ya back later".. Click..

Yeah after I got off the phone it kinda hit me.. I'll be home alone with all 4 kids and only $20 for 3 days... eeek! I know we really needed the money but oh my word.. what did I agree to!?

Well I made it, the kids are still alive, I am still sane. (somewhat) Hubby will be home today, thank goodness because I am ready to run away to a place where no one calls you mommy.. I give my salute to the mothers who do this everyday, for the wife's who live with husbands who work away from home. Your amazing.. I could not do it.. No way, no how!

Tomorrow will be a relief.. I get to go out for the night with my good friend Katie. We will be celebrating her bday.. :0) She deserves a good night out... as do I! Heck I deserve a good week out.. lol

Anyways... that's my week. I hope next week will be a little easier.. Hey on the bright side at least we'll have money now! (Till we pay the bills that is...)
posted by Staci at 4:55 PM


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